The accolade, granted by Brazil's largest railwayoperator, Rumo, acknowledges the significance of Globalsat Group as a strategicpartner.
CURITIBA, PR, BRAZIL, November 24, 2023 / -- Rumo, thelargest railway operator in Brazil, presented Globalsat Group, the firstpan-American satellite telecommunications services company, with thePerformance award at its annual supplier awards ceremony. The tributerecognizes the strategic importance of Globalsat Group as a partner,highlighting the company's efforts to evolve to meet Rumo's growing andsophisticated mobile communications needs.
Providing logistics services for railwaytransportation, port elevation, and storage, Rumo operates 12 transshipmentterminals, six port terminals, and manages approximately 14,000 kilometers ofrailway tracks. These extensive railways cover the states of Paraná, SantaCatarina, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, MinasGerais, Goiás, and Tocantins. Their asset base consists of over a thousandlocomotives and 28,000 wagons.
Rumo established the supplier awards program torecognize partners demonstrating excellence in the supply of materials andservices. The evaluation considers performance-related indicators, includingperformance, management, safety, compliance, integrity, and innovative ideas,aligned with Rumo's DNA.
Globalsat do Brasil was honored in the Performancecategory in the Technology and Operational Services segment. The joint projectenables precise real-time tracking of each train and reliable voice and datacommunication between drivers, maintenance teams, and the Control Center,yielding immediate results.
Before implementing the solution, messages betweendrivers and control centers took an average of ten minutes to reach theirdestination. The speed and reliability of communications provided by the newsatellite solution ensure access to uninterrupted high-quality connectivity,facilitating the transfer of telematic, voice, and video data, allowing precisereal-time tracking of each train and communication between drivers,maintenance, and regional control centers.
Flavio Abrantes Franklin, Country Manager of Globalsatdo Brazil, participated in the award ceremony and stated, "We are proud ofthis distinction. This project provides security, reliability, andsignificantly reduces costs throughout the railway network, with an estimatedmonthly savings in the millions as a result of optimizing operations."
Presented annually, the Rumo Supplier Awards recognizebest practices driving continuous improvement in processes and promote fullalignment with Rumo's mission.